Sunday 7 March 2010

Up Date

Some ideas are just not good ones. Like this one. But Brett spent a good chunk of his time helping to photograph it so I felt it should at least be recognized. Even my photoshop efforts did nothing to help. The key is how to communicate without spelling it out or making an illustration. Does this look a little too LDS Ensign article to you? Yep, me too. Oh well. Thanks to all who contribute to my efforts even if all I learn is what not to do.
Snow snow snow, we keep getting more snow and I am so tired of dealing with chains, on off on off.
Yesterday the girls had their honor orchestra performances in Redlands. MaCall was made c0-principal of the 2nd violins this year - but out of the two cos was chosen for the main solo. I hear she did very well. She also found out that she really likes being a principal - said "it's great, everyone has to follow me, so I just get to play loud and do what I want". It seems to have put a spark under her. Eloise also did very well on viola in the Elementary orchestra. We have not sorted out lessons yet - as our teacher moved and the new one is in Big Bear - too far to drive!
Franz is working hard on many different projects - recently attended a conference in Salt Lake - South Central Society for Eighteenth Century Studies - organized a panel and gave a presentation.
I finally have the go ahead from my advisor on two paintings so am painting like crazy trying to get ready for mid term review this Thursday. I am so sick of driving, but once I get there, enjoy my friends and learning. I've been listening to Ruth, by Elizabeth Gaskell on the zune for my drives. It is pretty good. Before that I did Wilkie Collins Haunted Hotel.
I have discovered as of late that the world is populated with good people and bad people. I have encountered both. Bad - the person who created the virus that attacked my computer. Good - my friend's boy friend - Andy - who spent an entire day getting rid of it - for free. Bad - the neighbour who would not offer help to my girls and I when stranded in the snow needing help in getting the chains on. Good - the two men from our Crestline ward, who came out in the snow and put the chains on under the supervision of the police officer who wanted to give me a ticket for being stuck, but would not offer any assistance. Bad - public servants who do not serve. Good - the boy who likes MaCall who also drove out in the snow to save us - but was waved on by the public servant. (same boy spent most of the day with Franz, MaCall and Eloise yesterday so he could hear MaCall play that evening).
Any goods and bads in your life lately?
So, what is up with all of you?

Saturday 13 February 2010


Today Douglas, Addy, Elias and Mason came up to play. Poor Addy and Mason became violently car sick before reaching our house - this seems to be part of any trip to our house. I hope we can think of some way to make future trips easier.
Elias and Mason spent an hour digging through the snow on the porch with some kitchen spoons, while Addy and Eloise went ice skating.
Later, Franz and MaCall joined the kids out front for sledding while Doug and I hiked back to the forest property behind the house to take photos for a potential painting. It was so beautiful back there! What a strange stark landscape with burned out trees, snow, dark, wet soil, streams and red robins pecking for worms. We also found a tire swing behind a hill that we had missed before.
Tomorrow the Jackman's come up. I will take Heidi back there. I think she will enjoy the surroundings and her camera.
Happy Valentines day!

Thursday 28 January 2010

Howad Zinn on Obama

Yesterday was a sad day as we learned of the death of historian and activist Howard Zinn. I am even more sad that I only discovered his work earlier last year.
His last article was published last week in The Nation. He was trying to sum up President Obama's first year. He said he was looking for a highlight but was not disappointed because he never expected much. Now hearing this might hurt to one who has been such a supporter of Obama - as myself. But there is truth in his statement; "I think people are dazzled by Obama's rhetoric, and that people ought to begin to understand that Obama is going to be a mediocre President - which means ,in our time, a dangerous President - unless there is some national movement to push him in a better direction."
It hurts. Yes it does, and I wonder what he would have made of last night's speech - which I don't think could have been made much better - but I too am so disgusted by both the Democrats who are like a cowardly dog always rolling over to have their stomachs rubbed and Republicans who are only out to win the "moral high ground" - which really means boosting big business and lining their pockets, never thinking of what our country really needs. In this Obama is correct, unless both sides can stop acting like every year is an election year - and actually come together to get things done, nothing will be done and that will be the greatest failure of all.
Bon Voyage Howard Zinn. I look forward to sharing "A Peoples History of America" with my girls.

Monday 25 January 2010

Ah yes, there's the road

"At the end of the storm there's a golden sky..." That hillside is the burn area from when we first moved to the mountain. We look at if from our back porch.

Proof that we did get the driveway cleared - though two people are needed to navigate the maneuvering between the two stacks of snow.

Looking out of our drive to the street...

This is the view from the landing - half way up to our bedroom/loft. I love sitting on stairs and looking at the old oak. The raccoons like this oak as well.
The girls are back in school today. There is a small chance of snow tonight, but I will be going down to school tomorrow. I'll take an over night bag - just in case.

Friday 22 January 2010

More Snow - and it is still snowing!

Okay Heidi, why is it that when I take photos on M or P they turn out blue? This just started yesterday and I have no idea what I have done!

Serious Snow

Bet my snow is bigger than yours!
This is really putting a hamper on my going to school today. I also need to get my scholarship application into the mail! I don't see a post office run happening either!

Monday 18 January 2010

New Website

Hi all,

Just want to post a plug for my new website. It is easy to remember and easy for me to update - just go to

Hope you are all having a good January. We are in the midst of storms and dripping from the ceiling.