Friday, 6 March 2009

The Ethics of Dressing for the day, the night before continued

I have looked up the definition of Ethics:

Ethics is a word for a philosophy that encompasses proper conduct and good living. It is significantly broader than the common conception of ethics as the analyzing of right and wrong. A central aspect of ethics is "the good life", the life worth living or that is simply satisfying, which is held by many philosophers to be more important than moral conduct.[1]

In so doing I have determined that dressing for the day, the night ahead is not ethical. I base that on several points. The first being the physical discomfort of wearing street clothes to bed. This would certainly impede the person from getting a thoroughly good night's sleep. The bedding would get tangled, the person too hot, bed sores etc. Second, the psychological implications.

When a person removes the day's clothes to go to bed - whether they put on night clothes or sleep in their underwear - they are sending a signal to the brain that the day is over, I can now put aside the cares of the day, I can put off the cares of tomorrow, and rest, rejuvenate, go to that place in the imagination where anything can happen. By dressing for the day ahead you are not allowing this to take place. You are signaling to the body that the next day is coming far too soon and too fast for you to take a break, you have to be ready, on the run, no time for relaxation, rejuvenation. I see this person as having the potential for ending up with serious sleep disorders.

I find it interesting that some of you are not able to separate the philosophical discussion from the personal interest of the child. This wasn't really about that particular family and their habits - they can do as they like - it was rather a discussion of the implications of our dressing habits for bed.

I was after a philosophical discussion.


Anonymous said...

I do like this philosophy. I personally feel like I need to rub my skin against soft fabrics - unconstrained - and take off all my jewelry and hair ties. Sleeping, to me, is like slipping my mind away into a dream land where I can sort out my subconscious, and I can't let anything disturb that.

I recommend the book, A Voyage Around my Room, by Xavier de Maistre. He illustrates eloquently his sleeping philosophy, even to speak fondly of pink sheets.

Marian said...

I am one of the most sleep-obsessed people I know. I do think, philosophically speaking, it's especially important for children to have a bedtime ritual and winding down period. It turns bedtime into a time that is sacred and calm and comforting. Sleep should always feel safe and relaxing to everyone!

Plus, pajamas are so fun!!!!

Potters said...

I'll have to look up A Voyage Around my Room. Sounds interesting. I too take sleep very seriously! I don't allow televisions in our bed rooms - though I did have one as a kid. I really think we have so much technology in our lives that where we sleep should be for our own thoughts, reading, praying, pondering, sleeping or conversing.

amanda jane said...

being well rested and then readying ones self for the day is, I feel, one of the key factors in what is accomplished during that day. therefore it follows that it begins the night before. and pajama's or none, how ever you personally come to feel the most rested and ready for your day should not be defined by a specific standard. ethical or not.

heidi said...

well said Amanda. I agree...sleep is sleep, however it comes to you.

Serena Potter said...

Ah, but sleep is not sleep. There are many different degrees of sleep and to truly sleep well determines the state of your health. Having not slept well for years, due to my illness, I know. It can make or break you. Many people push on and on with little restful, restorative sleep. Eventually, it will catch up with you. Hence all the Ambien commercials!

And Amanda, I don't think one can put aside ethics - not if one wants to live a good life, rather than just exist. We have to have standards to measure ourselves against. Without standards we can not make progress.

Francis said...

Great Post. A friend just spent me a link for a free sleep report. It has a bunch of great information about getting a great night’s sleep without drugs. Here is link if you are interested