Wednesday, 13 May 2009


This morning Eloise says "Mother, I am nearly a sixth grader and sixth graders do not "play" we "hang out". Then a few minutes later tells me "I am going to be a very moody sixth grader". I said "Really? Are you really going to be moody?". She says "Yes, I can feel it starting all ready". (playing with cousin Luke and Lake Gregory, above)

MaCall attended her first church dance on Friday - at a ward near the Redland's Temple. She danced six times. One boy had terribly sweaty hands. Another refused to talk in spite of her attempts to start conversation "so are you into sports?" "ya". Another went on and on about how amazingly short she is. All in all she chalked it up as a sucessful evening. (dance preparations above)

I am feeling old. I just purchased some potion off of to combat my age spots.


heidi said...

I love the things that Eloise says...

Did you see my flickr? Cute pics of the kids and time I need to get you in the shots!!

Nicole Hernandez said...

That's funny. I know 6th grade is that inbetween stage. That's great MaCall got to dance 6 times! I know how it feels to be short :-)

Christie said...

Eloise is hilarious, I just love her. And Macall is a scream, with the dancing and the stupid boys. I'll bet the one who went on about her height was sooo nervous, poor guy. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha. I love it! You gals are awesome.