We had plans to go to the beach today to meet up with friends from church, but before we could leave something important came up and instead stayed home. We were all pretty grumpy so dragged the girls to the arboretum for an afternoon walk then drove to Cedar Glen (south side of Lake Arrowhead) to find The Malt Shop - which we had heard of but never found. We found it - quite off the beaten path, but never the less fairly busy. It was just what the girls needed. Old fashioned malts - the kind that you can suck through a straw and come with the extras in the frosty metal cup. The fries were fresh cut and onion rings pretty tasty. I splurged and had a orange freeze which I had full intentions of suffering for - head ache wise, but did not do too bad. Sometimes you just need to get out and have some fun. So, when you visit next time, we will take you to the Malt Shop - established 1945. Right when I took these photos people had left and the next crowd was shortly to come in. Good timing.
I hope you are having a good weekend.
Our thoughts and prayers go to all the jobless, homeless and to Steve who is really suffering with five broken ribs and other complications.
I love those kinds of restaurants! Mmm, a chocolate malt sounds really good right now.
Well, fun. That looks like a really cute place. Oh and Happy Birthday to Franz! (A little late!) And way to go Eloise on being an all-star!
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