So, we officially said goodbye to the Subaru today. Eloise cried as we left the parking lot (the new owners waiting for their tow truck to arrive). Being very hot and emotional we went to lunch and then bought some new T-shirts at Old Navy. As we made our way toward home on the I15 low and behold there was our car! It was on an AAA tow truck on it's way to Murrietta - it's new home. The buyer was a professional diesel mechanic - would have no problem fixing it up. We wish him well. That is one chapter closed. On to the next one.
Yesterday I registered for my fall classes and am so excited! I will have history of figuration in modern art, Painting from the figure and then 35 hours a week of studio time (at home). The painting class is 6 hours! That will be a doozy. It is on a Friday afternoon though, so I can take my time heading home. I have been filling out scholarship applications like crazy, though most would not come in until next term so need to look over the FAFSA offerings this weekend and decide what to do with that.
Oh and many thanks to the Frankes who gave us their 2004 Nissan Sentra - the price was right! It drives great but has a few oddities - due to an accident when in Mike's possession - like the windshield washer fluid container is missing...wonder where that is? We repaired the broken air conditioner pipe and had it recharged - nice and cool now - just a bit noisy but only on the outside of the car. Again, no idea why. Cars are like big puzzles. I just wish we knew how to put the peices together.
We are still in need of a second car. Something snow and ice worthy - so keep us in mind if you find any great deals. Hey you Utah folks! We will be there in August so could possibly buy something there and drive it home...
Okay, next chapter. We have accpeted a short sale on our house (as we have lost half the value and the modification that was offered after eight months of waiting, was only 5% interest only for three years, no good). The bank is moving forward, we are told to expect appraisers this week to set the fair market value. I feel confident though that our agent priced it right, so we should be in the ball park on the offer. If not and this buyer falls through there were two other interested parties - we have a cute house. I am okay with all of this. Three months ago, would not have been, but now see clearly how stupid it would be to conitue paying what we do for this house and not be earning any equity for who knows how many years to come. So, once we have a clearer closing date will find a house to lease - prices are great - we can get more room, another bathroom and possibly even a garage! Oh, and importantly, studio space. We will stay on the mountian as the schools are still rating higher up here than down the mountain, but may end up in Arrowhead or Twin Peaks - depending on where the right house is.
So, nothing really going on this summer. HA.
MaCall goes to Arrowbear this Sunday and will be there for three weeks. She can though expect a vist from us on Sundays and from her music teacher(Pavel Farkas) who just happens to be good friends with the director of the advanced session (Stephen Tucker from the UCI music department).
So, going to go move the water and rest. It has been a long day - and I have no plans to drive through Barstow in the near future. It is hot and ugly. The only things going for it are possibly the Old Woman Metiorite and the choo choo train by the gas station.
We are dealing with stress by walking around the lake and eating watermellon.
If you need to escape the heat you are welcome to visit!
Sounds like things are going pretty well for you guys. Your classes sound awesome, Serena.
I have one memory of Barstow, and that is the entire family coming down with the flu there as we were driving to Utah. We spent the night at a Super 8 motel trying not to die. For years afterwards, Mike and I called it Barfstow. Good times. :)
wow so much! I am glad the car situation worked out, and glad that the house situation seems to be moving in the right direction. I think for both of us we can say it has been an interesting summer of '09! Your classes sound fun and challenging! What a nice way to de-stress, painting!
Have a nice weekend!
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