Above, Serena, Kristin, Anna, Pauli, Wendi, Joyce and Shelly in the middle.
Kristin and Serena


Serena, Anna, Shelley, Joyce, Kristin, Anna and Wendy

Serena and Shelley

So, Thursday last, I sat in the Oakland airport for two hours when my flight was delayed, but finally made it to Sacramento, where I was met by Bill and Brandon. Brandon had to go to work early the next day, but Bill and I shared a nice morning and lunch at a yummy place - whose name I can't recall. Later we met up with friend Joyce. She and I drove a Dodge Caravan to San Francisco airport where we picked up the other five girls (Anna, Shelley, Wendy, Kristin, and Pauli). We then drove into San Fran and by luck found parking in front of the Fog City Diner - so cute and vintage feeling - and had a nice meal before continuing our drive to Bodega Bay. Our house was perfect and close enough to the water to hear the seals barking. We enjoyed lots of beautiful weather and views, drove to Fort Ross, various darling towns, down to Point Reyes Light House. We watched The Birds and saw some of the filming locations. Most of the restaurants had their own gardens with fresh veggies on the menu. It was a great time. Can't wait for the next one!
Seems like the perfect getaway; good to have that down time prior to immersing yourself in school and studio work. Also probably nice to return home to your new place and have most of the moving chores completed. Good luck with this first semester!
sounds like a good time! how fun to have all those friendships after all these years.
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