His last article was published last week in The Nation. He was trying to sum up President Obama's first year. He said he was looking for a highlight but was not disappointed because he never expected much. Now hearing this might hurt to one who has been such a supporter of Obama - as myself. But there is truth in his statement; "I think people are dazzled by Obama's rhetoric, and that people ought to begin to understand that Obama is going to be a mediocre President - which means ,in our time, a dangerous President - unless there is some national movement to push him in a better direction."
It hurts. Yes it does, and I wonder what he would have made of last night's speech - which I don't think could have been made much better - but I too am so disgusted by both the Democrats who are like a cowardly dog always rolling over to have their stomachs rubbed and Republicans who are only out to win the "moral high ground" - which really means boosting big business and lining their pockets, never thinking of what our country really needs. In this Obama is correct, unless both sides can stop acting like every year is an election year - and actually come together to get things done, nothing will be done and that will be the greatest failure of all.
Bon Voyage Howard Zinn. I look forward to sharing "A Peoples History of America" with my girls.
That quote rings true, even though it's harsh. There's really way too much in-fighting to actually get things done. Here's hoping it changes.
"Better to get nothing done, than do the wrong thing"
Craig Streiff
Oh Craig, that is such a head in the sand sort of comment.
Not at all, I just figure anything worth doing is worth doing right. No sense in rushing to change things if your only going to make them worse.
Take your time and do it right and things will be a LOT better in the long run.
Try and rush things and you'll most often screw it up.
You see, we just approach life differently. I believe in trial and error. In order to find what works, you have to try it out - and accept that there will be failures. You can only base so much on theory and past experience. At some point you just have to take a leap of faith and see what happens. You are a play it safe sort of person. I am a leap into the dark sort of person.
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