Wednesday, 16 January 2008


Okay, I have a question. Really- if you are one of the many who really don't like Hillary, can you tell me why? I must have missed something. I thought she did very well in the debates. I still think Obama is the one to bring this Nation together, but I don't mind Hillary. So, can you tell me, in facts please, not just "the wife of Satan". I'd like to know. Now, you conservatives I know why you don't like her, but I know quite a few liberals who don't like her as well - so please, let me know.


heidi said...

can't help you here--I don't know enough to hate her I don't know enough to like her. just me--political idiot.

Craig said...

Sorry Franz, I wish I could answer your question but that type of political conversation is not appreciated on this friendly blog.

Oh and she is not the Wife of Satan...

Potters said...

Ah come on Craig, what specifically has she done to warrant your distaste?

And it is my question - Serena. Franz read her biography and thought she was an interesting person.

heidi said...

wow--I didn't know that I had so much power here. friendly blog, yes - but please don't let me deter you from typing your mind. opinions are okay--it's the name calling I think is a little too much.

Craig said...

This about sums it up for me. They are not my words but I agree.

"Because she's a radical left-wing extremist and a threat to America."

"Liberals have always tried to paint Hillary as a moderate (and Lord knows she does) but it's simply not true. Mrs. Clinton is a brilliant political chameleon who's been smart enough to hide her true colors for as long as she's been alive. Once she gets the chance, she will unleash her radical left wing agenda upon the world. Hillary is a threat to America plain and simple."

by Michael Gregory Steele and Herman B. Hayes

heidi said...

I don't know much about her--but what I do know is I do NOT want her to lead my country. There I said it.

Potters said...

Sorry, but you did not give me any facts. Just emotional response.

heidi said...

that's how I roll--on emotion and gut instinct.

if you want facts just ditto me on craigs comment--that sounds good enough to me.

the end.