Monday, 14 April 2008

Spring Break

This week we drove through central California up to Girloy where MaCall took part in fundraising concerts and rehearsals with Lori's violin group. Hamish the rabbit had a holiday in Pasadena with the Hunters. Lucy the cat joined us for the drive. California is such a diverse place. So much of it is agriculture, though that is not the first thing people usually think of - LA, Disneyland... Here Lori and Eloise make their way back up the side of cliff at a beach above Santa Cruz - scroll down the photo of me painting the rocky coast - that is where they had been.
Recently I saw a new report on these grass hopper oil wells. Most had been in retirement until lately. Now that the petrol prices are so high they have put them back to work -bringing in $$ for someone. Not us we just pay the high prices.
Here is Lori's performance group performing for a district Rotary International convention in San Jose. The kids did a great job, though need to look a little more happy about it.
Here Eloise plays statue in a hotel niche.
We enjoyed pizza at a surfer hang out in Santa Cruz...
We enjoyed Mexican food in Gilroy...
California poppies are in bloom...
Here I paint an old farm house and field at sun set...
Walk away ... we just stopped at a produce stand in Watsonville - wonderful strawberries, artichokes, garlic, avocados, legumes, citrus and things I had never seen before. We stocked up!
Here we go, I sat on top while Lori, Franz, the girls and Mike played down below. I have found that by painting I miss out on some of the fun! Notice my new shoes...Converse.


Christie said...

I envy you guys, I wish I could have been there! Great photos, all of them.

cassie[carnivore] said...

um thats not elle with mom.that's me.

Potters said...

Oops sorry! I just looked at the thumb nail when I uploaded it and well the tops of your heads look similar!

heidi said...

looks like you had a nice time.

the weather has been so great hasn't it? We need to get together soon. Is MaCall doing the dance festival?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Serena the Menace! Red is my favorite color so I love them!

Looks like you guys have had fun. I haven't had good old Mexican food for some time now, and really miss it.

Michele said...

Great shoes! Thanks again for the artichokes, they are so beautiful and delicious. We'll watch Hamish anytime.

Rebekah's Mom said...

Cute shoes! Looks like you guys had a good time, georgeous photos!

Nicole Hernandez said...

Wow Serena, you are being so productive with your painting! I wish we could buy some art, but no money!! It looks like a nice, low-key Spring Break. I need a break...