Thursday, 1 May 2008

Food to fight recession

Franz has been working hard. With spring here we have taken stock of what plants survived the winter and the gophers. The green seedless grapes that we put in last year are doing so well, we decided to put in a small vineyard. Today we put in some Crimson Seedless Grapes. We have also put in a dwarf peach and dwarf nectarine - will get six feet tall. With the economy the way it is we decided to dish our ornamental plans and go edible. I think it looks great. So, vineyard/orchard on the bottom terrace, vegie raised beds on the top. We are shopping for some berries - something with good long canes to compliment the grapes.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, I love it! I so wish I could have my own garden right now.

Nicole Hernandez said...

That is a really smart thing to do-besides the food shortage, it saves money and the environment. Our backyard is crabgrass and weeds. We'd have to rototill the whole thing to plant the garden and we don't want to put the money or resources into a rental. We don't think we'll be in this place much longer.