Sunday, 4 May 2008

Hunters in the Mountains!

Yesterday we enjoyed having Michele and the kids come up for the afternoon. Elias helped Franz lay the patio pavers, Addy hung out with MaCall, Eloise and MaCall's friend Mandy - they sang Wicked karaoke on their room, and then played fort on the empty lot. Michele and I enjoyed the sunken patio for a while, then went in and watched a 1992 version of Wuthering Heights - with Juliette Binoche and Ralph Finnes. Michele brought potatoes and leeks for a yummy soup with crusty bread. Oh, Mason was just cute mason. He sits on the floor grabbing at toys, and gets upset if Mom goes too far away. All in all, it was a very nice day. Today it is really windy! Too winnie, as Elias would say.


heidi said...

what a nice relaxing day--hope you are all well!

Nicole Hernandez said...

Sounds fun-Mason has really changed! He looks so much like Michele. Wow, you guys really are mountaineers!It didn't really occur to me before, but I really looked at the pictures and saw how mountainous it is.

Serena Potter said...

Yep, we are around 5000 feet.

Claudia Shirley said...

I wish we could've spent that fun day with you. It's been a long time since we've been able to spend a lazy Sunday together. We need to visit your little oasis in the mountains! Love.