Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Today We Make History!

Grab the tissue! Today we watch history. I am crying already. I really feel like President Obama is my President. I have never felt that way before.


Unknown said...

I too am excited and it's not my country! Let's hope all the hype leads to good results

Unknown said...

Hey, so do you get a holiday for Martin Luther King day then? You lot seem to get loads of holidays like that. Wish we had more :(

Potters said...

Yes, we do get Martin Luther King day as a bank holiday. We don't get boxing day though!

Nicole Hernandez said...

I loved the inauguration-even when they flubbed up the oath of office.

Potters said...

"They" didn't flub it up, the Judge did! Obama caught him on it and waited for him to correct it.