Saturday we drove down to Heidi and Darin's then together drove to San Diego to pick up Franz's sister Marian from the airport - she was here for a convention. Franz had not seen her in something like 18 years. The girls and I had never met her, so were very excited. Marian was great, so easy to talk to and fun. We went to Old Town San Diego (the birth place of California) and had lunch, walked along the colorful shops and enjoyed the sun (which we had not seen for many days). Then we went back to the Jackman's to rest. Franz and Darin took MaCall and Hunter to a church dance - saw a movie while waiting for them. Marian, Heidi, Eloise and I hung out, talked and put on a chick flick. All in all a nice day.
Sunday was back up the mountain so Franz could teach his class. This is finals week for MaCall. We have loads of activities for school and Eloise has a spring dance recital - dress rehearsal Friday, three performances Saturday and Sunday - also Franz's birthay in there somewhere...
Stress levels are high and as we keep hearing of more family members being laid off work, are feeling the job losses are pandemic. I sure hope things start to turn around soon.
So you heard? Brandon and Dad got laid off the same sucks!
I had not heard about Brandon...
I had such a nice visit with you all and enjoyed meeting you and the girls too!! We would love to plan something again soon, with everyone!! Once things settle down with our move and jobs and finances and all that....sorry to hear the pandemic spreads.
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