See that photo of Lucy at the top of the post? That is what I was thinking about when our timing belt broke on the way home from Vegas, "I just want to be home on my bed with Lucy and the air conditioning!". So yes, Franz decided that life had been very stressful so he surprised me with a night in Vegas and a show - previous post. Then the car broke down between Baker and Barstow. The car is still in Barstow. We are seeking a buyer. Lori and Martin came to rescue by giving us their Nissan which was sitting unused in their drive- after Mike wrecked it. It still seems to run very well, just needed new tires, hub caps, a good clean, air conditioning service and a few other things. We are just grateful to have transportation and really appreciated Martin driving it down to us. Still wondering where the spoiler is, which Mike claims to have left at a friends house - as one does...
Through all of this Eloise was at Arrowbear Music Camp. Which was fortunate for her as she would never have lasted the heat in the desert. She had a good time - evident by the grime on her feet! She was placed in the advanced group and performed very well in the end of camp concert. The above photo is with her friend Ahalani, who was plagued by ants and was stung by a bee - a memorable year for this poor girl. This Sunday we take MaCall for her turn.
So, any buyers for a dead Subaru? Accepting best offer!
Man, you have the worst luck with cars.
On a better note, it was nice talking with you this past weekend. I really hope we can make it out for a visit. We'll call ya!
Well, on the upside, you look great in that photo, Serena. Looks like you had fun until the car broke down.
You do have really bad luck with cars.
You look great! So skinny!
Serena you look gorgeous!
You guys are funny! I am totally in the dark!
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