Now, trying to pack, and get the house ready for my friend from school who is coming to take care of rabbits and write her thesis in peace. I'll not relax until we get on the road.
No word on the house. The agent was in a panic yesterday - the buyer's loan docs made it in, but could the money get to where it needed to go in time to close on Monday. Silence today. We will see.
Trying to get into the spirit of things. I'm watching Little Women, doing laundry, making samosas - filling is yummy, dough not so good. Franz and Brett are down the mountain at a concert - hopefully not getting stabbed or stepped on.
MaCall goes to Los Angeles tomorrow evening with a group of youth to deliver gifts to skidrow. It will be interesting to hear about their experience. Eloise spent the night at a friends last night and is amazingly not grumpy -after staying up too late.
Well we all hope that you will have a very Happy Christmas.
not sure you'll see this before you leave, but we are thinking of you and hopeful Monday brings good news. you're in our prayers.
Are you in Salt Lake now? How was the trip? Give our love to all the family and we wish everyone a Merry Christmas from us!
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