Monday, 24 March 2008

13 Years

Wow, 13 years today. I was in the St. Marks Hospital having MaCall. Amazing really. On one hand it feels like forever because we have had such a full thirteen years and yet, still yesterday. Most of you know that MaCall is an amazing girl and we are so proud of her. I frequently have other mother's telling me how happy they are that MaCall is friends with their daughters because they know she is making the right choices in life. That makes me so proud.
Of course I am proud of her accomplishments, but more than that, the person she has become and is becoming.
Another mile stone has been met. No theme birthday party this year. She and her Dad decided it would be a beach bonfire at Big Corona. No planning necessary other than rides and some food. I felt so out of it! I'm sorry, but I love theme parties...
Sorry, can't seem to turn this around. Anyhow, here is MaCall opening the gift that I want! Though I want Denise the Menace Red Converse. Just so you know!


amanda jane said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MaCall! wow, 13. I remember babysitting you while Johnny and I were still newlyweds. so glad you are such a joy for us all now!

heidi said...

Happy Birthday MaCall--sorry we missed your big party. We wished we could have been there.

We are so glad you live closer to us so that we can see you more often. You are an amazing girl and soo smart and talented.

We love you.

All of us Jackman's

The Hills... said...

Happy Birthday MaCall! Officially a teenager! That is awesome!

Nicole Hernandez said...

I remember changing her diaper in your Salt Lake apartment. I can't believe she's a teenager! She is an amazing girl-I agree.

Tami said...

Happy Birthday MaCall! Hope you had a good one. Your party looked like a blast!

Michele said...

I'll never forget babysitting you when you were just a few months old and you screamed the entire time. And then hanging out with you last month and you barely said boo! Well how times have a changed. We love you. Happy Birthday.

Claudia Shirley said...

Happy Birthday (belatedly) to MaCall! What a beautiful and wonderful young lady you are. I hope we get to see you again before you become to grown up. Let's watch "Phantom" again and have some cinnamon toast! Love, Aunt Claudia