Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Muster of Peacocks!

Okay, here are the answers...
#1 Muster of Peacocks
#2 Flight of Doves or Swallows
#3 Bevy of Quails
#4 Herd of deer, wrens or cranes (good job Christie!)
#5 Skulk of foxes
#6 Building of rooks
There, we all learned something today!


Michele said...

Darn, I forgot to come back and guess. I knew covey of quail and herd of deer, but beyond that was clueless. Fun quiz!

Michele said...

Oops - bevy of quail. okay, didn't know that one either.

heidi said...

I read #6 as what do you call a group of r-o-c-k-s. I thought about it forever and then decided that maybe I just better stay dumb because I didn't know there was even terminology for a group of rocks. ROOKS--what are they anyway? Birds?